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Messages - nomad bloodbath

Pages: 1 ... 148 149 [150] 151 152 ... 273
Rumor mill / Re: Missit orders still not filled list.
« on: September 14, 2011, 07:57 pm »
Yes via PM if you don't want the entire forum looking up your DCN.

nomad bloodbath

Rumor mill / Re: Lucy Sky Diamonds - is this for real?
« on: September 14, 2011, 07:55 pm »
Hmm.. If I understand this right the needlpoint LSD from Lucy Sky Diamond is the same as the Lamas?
I'm thinking not after having a lengthy discuss with Lucy Sky Diamond.
I don't think the lamas are needlepoint but might but are not 300ug a tab but 200ug and overpriced, unless you are buying artwork.
You want 300ug acid take two of the red lotus needlepoint: http://ianxz6zefk72ulzz.onion/index.php/silkroad/item/8556

 nomad bloodbath

Rumor mill / Re: Missit orders still not filled list.
« on: September 14, 2011, 07:45 pm »
What information are you looking for exactly?
Order inside of escrow that are late.

nomad bloodbath

Rumor mill / Re: Vortexmilkman: Meth
« on: September 14, 2011, 07:33 pm »
Got my order today, even bigger shards, vaporizes clean, high quality.
Back to my zoot!

nomad bloodbath

Product offers / Re: Domestic US 2C-B is here....
« on: September 14, 2011, 07:05 pm »
Yep, definitely interested. Down to 5.46 BTC currently so will need to wait until I get more money transferred in.  Are you able to get 2C-E by chance?

No 2C-E in bulk yet.
Custom Listing is in transit.

nomad bloodbath

Rumor mill / Re: review of Mitanox's MDMA?
« on: September 14, 2011, 06:34 pm »
MDMA colour varies trust me ;)

This is due to the method of synth. + also the precursors and their purities and finally if the chemist would wash away any impurities, also due to smuggling means. Some consider the colours as 'impurities' whilst others claim they add an extra dimension to the MDMA effect due to other psychoactive materials involved as byproducts etc. This is all subjective however, some say MDMA is MDMA but some say all crystals are different. Theres nothing wrong with Mitanox's MDMA i'm sure, I've seen Orange, Tan, clear, grey, clear shards, green, brown sugar crystals, black mdma (its not black, just slightly tinted cola), purple crystals, hell even pink crystals i've come across - all testing positive for MDMA. Don't consider because its a different colour that it might not be MDMA. I'm sure its reagent tested and shows textbook results.

Just dropping by as an MDMA vendor trying to clear a few things up in case some are uneasy.



Rumor mill / Re: Calling Missit out. "Selective Scamming"?
« on: September 14, 2011, 06:16 pm »
New thread for those only in escrow that have not got orders, out of escrow is not SR's problem.

Rumor mill / Missit orders still not filled list.
« on: September 14, 2011, 06:13 pm »
Please post your order with missit that has not arrived with timeline.
I will make a list in this first post, so everyone can see who is owed what from missit.
I wish to clear this up asap.
Only for  in escrow orders that have not got orders, out of escrow is not SR's problem per SR guidelines.

nomad bloodbath

Rumor mill / Re: Calling Missit out. "Selective Scamming"?
« on: September 14, 2011, 05:29 pm »
I'm tired of this thread, Im unstickying it.
ENBOOM your order was out of escrow not SR business, no offense,
killerglass and smoraline I was told you were getting refunds, PM missit and tell him I said you were getting refunds.

I'll start another thread after I take a shower to be placed in a sticky spot for left out customers, this one is just to big to keep up with who has what. I'm tired of looking at it.

nomad bloodbath

Rumor mill / Re: Bloodbath's 2C-B ?
« on: September 14, 2011, 04:46 pm »
5pack capsules 15mg 2C-B.

How's that for everyone?

nomad bloodbath

Product offers / Re: Domestic US 2C-B is here....
« on: September 14, 2011, 04:42 pm »
5pack 15mg 2C-B

Rumor mill / Re: Calling Missit out. "Selective Scamming"?
« on: September 14, 2011, 04:17 am »
Well he has some outstanding orders that still need fixing.

nomad bloodbath

IP please get this shit under control not bullshit stories just get gear where it's owe'd.

nomad bloodbath

Rumor mill / Re: Calling Missit out. "Selective Scamming"?
« on: September 14, 2011, 03:39 am »
Sorry guys I've tried everything I can.
Just boycott goods til everyone gets their gear.

nomad bloodbath

Rumor mill / Re: TheUsualSuspect Is Awesome
« on: September 14, 2011, 03:35 am »
I got a perfect order from  TheUsualSuspect...will do more buisness in future.

nomad bloodbath

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